2.0“ / 51 mm HKL für Perkin Elmer - Einzelelement / Mehrelement

Kodierte Hohlkathodenlampen für Perkin Elmer AAS, passend in Durchmesser und Anschluss. Hohe Qualität durch größere Kathodengeometrie, erhöhter Edelgasmenge, Nachreinigung und Getter. Dark-Space Isolierung mit Ringanode zur Vermeidung von Nebenentladungen.

Aus Umweltschutzgründen werden die Lumina Lampen standardmäßig ohne Timer geliefert (dieser  enthält  Quecksilber), falls trotzdem ein Timer benötigt wird, bitte ein T an  die Bestellnummer anhängen. (Bsp.: M6xxxT). Aufpreis für Timer: 50.- Euro. Der unkodierte 9 pin Stecker (Best.Nr. 5M4xxx) für ältere Geräte ist ebenso noch erhältlich.
Kodierter 12 Pin Stecker Nummern wie: M5xxx

2.0“ / 51 mm HKL for Perkin Elmer - single element / multi element

These hollow cathode lamps are produced to provide direct use without adapters in all Perkin Elmer AAS instruments. All windows on these lamps are fully fused and contain no "gassy" adhesives which drastically reduce shelf life.

  • Totally hermeitc glass seals ensures a clean fill gas and cathode for the life of the lamp and most importantly a shelf life longer than 5 years.
  • The application of the same glass cathode sheilding technique used in all Photron hollow cathode lamps gives maximum stability throughout lamp life.
  • Due to the elegantly simple design of the electrode geometry of Photron lamps, less mass is present within the lamp, reducing outgassing and making the lamp more resistant to breakage from lateral shock.

For a Timer add "T" to the Part number!!


Picture 1:
Uncoded lamp with 9-pin plug (M4000)

Bild 1: Kodierte Lampe mit 12-pin Stecker (M5000)


Picture 2:
Coded lamp with 12-pin plug (M5000)

Bild 2: Kodierte Lampe mit Lumina-Sockel (M6000)


Picture 3:
Coded lamp with lumina-socket (M6000)

Element Art. Nr. Photron Art. Nr. PerkinElmer Art. Nr.
Ag Silber M6001 P951LL N305-0102
Al Aluminium M6002 P901LL N305-0103
As Arsen M6003 P903LL N305-0105
Au Gold M6004 P921LL N305-0107
B Bor M6005 P907LL N305-0108
Ba Barium M6006 P904LL N305-0109
Be Beryllium M6007 P905LL N305-0110
Bi Wismut M6008 P906LL N305-0111
Ca Kalzium M6009 P909LL N305-0114
Cd Kadmium M6010 P908LL N305-0115
Co Kobalt M6012 P913LL N305-0118
Cr Chrom M6013 P912LL N305-0119
Cu Kupfer M6015 P914LL N305-0121
Dy Dysprosium M6016 P915LL N305-0122
Er Erbium M6017 P916LL N305-0123
Eu Europium M6018 P917LL N305-0124
Fe Eisen M6019 P926LL N305-0126
Ga Gallium M6020 P919LL N305-0128
Gd Gadolinium M6021 P918LL N305-0129
Ge Germanium M6022 P920LL N305-0130
Hf Hafnium M6023 P922LL N305-0133
Hg Quecksilber M6024 P933LL N305-0134
Ho Holmuim M6025 P923LL N305-0135
In Indium M6027 P924LL N305-0137
Ir Iridium M6028 P925LL N305-0138
K Kalium M6029 P941LL N305-0139
La Lanthan M6030 P927LL N305-0141
Li Lithium M3031 P929LL N305-0142
Lu Lutetium M6032 P930LL n.v.
Mg Magnesium M6033 P931LL N305-0144
Mn Mangan M6034 P932LL N305-0145
Mo Molybdän M6035 P934LL N305-0146
Na Natrium M6036 P952LL N305-0148
Nb Niob M6037 P937LL N305-0149
Nd Neodym M6038 P935LL N305-0150
Ni Nickel M6039 P936LL N305-0152
Os Osmium M6040 P938LL n.v.
P Phosphor M6041 P974LL N305-0155
Pb Blei M6042 P928LL N305-0157
Pd Palladium M6043 P939LL N305-0158
Pr Praesodym M6044 P942LL N305-0161
Pt Platin M6045 P940LL N305-0162
Rb Rubidium M6046 - n.v.
Re Rhenium M6047 P943LL N305-0165
Rh Rhodium M6048 P944LL N305-0166
Ru Ruthenium M6049 P946LL N305-0168
Sb Antimon M6050 P902LL N305-0170
Sc Scandium M6051 P918LL N305-0171
Se Selen M6052 P949LL N305-0172
Si Silizium M6053 P950LL N305-0173
Sm Samarium M6054 P947LL N305-0174
Sn Zinn M6055 P960LL N305-0175
Sr Strontium M6056 P953LL N305-0176
Ta Tantal M6057 P954LL N305-0177
Tb Terbium M6058 P956LL N305-0178
Te Tellur M6059 P955LL N305-0180
Ti Titan M6060 P961LL N305-0182
Tl Thallium M6062 P957LL N305-0183
Tm Thulium M6063 P959LL N305-0184
V Vanadium M6065 P964LL N305-0186
W Wolfram M6066 P962LL N305-0187
Y Yttrium M6067 P966LL N305-0189
Yb Ytterbium M6068 P965LL N305-0190
Zn Zink M6069 P967LL N305-0191
Zr Zirkonium M6080 P968LL N305-0192
Element Art. Nr. Photron Art. Nr. PerkinElmer Art. Nr.
Au-Ag M6174 P686LL N305-0201
Ca-Mg M6070 P970LL N305-0202
Ca-Zn M6156 P661LL N305-0203
K-Na M6071 P971LL N305-0204
Al-Ca-Mg M6106 P606LL N305-0207
Ca-Mg-Zn M6075 P6-0002LL N305-0208
Cu-Fe-Ni M6155 P660LL N305-0209
Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn M6124 P624LL N305-0212
Ag-Cr-Cu-Ni M6180 P693LL N305-0210
Ag-Cr-Cu-Fe-Ni M6163 P670LL N305-0213
Co-Cu-Fe-Mn-Mo M6179 P692LL N305-0215
Co-Cr-Cu-Mn-Ni M6214 P6-0034LL N305-0214
Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni M6073 P973LL N305-0217
Ag-Al-Cr-Cu-Fe-Mg M6203 P6-0022LL N305-0216
Element OEM Description Maassen Photron Ag Silver N066-1281 coded 12pin plug M5001 P951C N305-0102 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6001 P951LL Al Aluminium N066-1290 coded 12pin plug M5002 P901C N305-0103 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6002 P901LL As Arsenic N066-1277 coded 12pin plug M5003 P903C N305-0105 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6003 P903LL Au Gold N066-1253 coded 12pin plug M5004 P921C N305-0107 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6004 P921LL B Boron N066-1269 coded 12pin plug M5005 P907C N305-0108 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6005 P907LL Ba Barium N066-1237 coded 12pin plug M5006 P904C N305-0109 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6006 P904LL Be Beryllium N066-1287 coded 12pin plug M5007 P905C N305-0110 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6007 P905LL Bi Bismuth N066-1260 coded 12pin plug M5008 P906C N305-0111 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6008 P906LL Ca Calcium N066-1293 coded 12pin plug M5009 P909C N305-0114 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6009 P909LL Cd Kadmium N066-1244 coded 12pin plug M5010 P908C N305-0115 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6010 P908LL Co Cobalt N066-1249 coded 12pin plug M5012 P913C N305-0118 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6012 P913LL Cr Chromium N066-1297 coded 12pin plug M5013 P912C N305-0119 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6013 P912LL Cu Copper N066-1296 coded 12pin plug M5015 P914C N305-0121 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6015 P914LL Dy Dysprosium N066-1268 coded 12pin plug M5016 P915C N305-0122 coded Lumina 4pin socket M5016 P915LL Er Erbium N066-1282 coded 12pin plug M5017 P916C N305-0123 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6017 P916LL Eu Europium N066-1271 coded 12pin plug M5018 P917C N305-0124 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6018 P917LL Fe Iron N066-1298 coded 12pin plug M5019 P926C N305-0126 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6019 P926LL Ga Gallium N066-1241 coded 12pin plug M5020 P919C N305-0128 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6020 P919LL Gd Gadolinium N066-1200 coded 12pin plug M5021 P918C N305-0129 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6021 P918LL Ge Germanium N066-1201 coded 12pin plug M5022 P920C N305-0130 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6022 P920LL Hf Hafnium N066-1238 coded 12pin plug M5023 P922C N305-0133 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6023 P922LL Hg Mercury N066-1291 coded 12pin plug M5024 P933C N305-0134 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6024 P933LL Ho Holmuim N066-1272 coded 12pin plug M5025 P923C N305-0135 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6025 P923LL In Indium N066-1242 coded 12pin plug M5027 P924C N305-0137 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6027 P924LL Ir Iridium N066-1210 coded 12pin plug M5028 P925C N305-0138 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6028 P925LL K Potassium N066-1205 coded 12pin plug M5029 P941C N305-0139 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6029 P941LL La Lanthanum N066-1213 coded 12pin plug M5030 P927C N305-0141 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6030 P927LL Li Lithium N066-1216 coded 12pin plug M5031 P929C N305-0142 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6031 P929LL Lu Lutetium n.a. uncoded 12pin plug M5032 P930C n.a. uncoded Lumina 4pin socket M6032 P930LL Mg Magnesium N066-1292 coded 12pin plug M5033 P931C N305-0144 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6033 P931LL Mn Manganese N066-1294 coded 12pin plug M5034 P932C N305-0145 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6034 P932LL Mo Molybdenum N066-1225 coded 12pin plug M5035 P934C N305-0146 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6035 P934LL Na Sodium N066-1203 coded 12pin plug M5036 P952C N305-0148 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6036 P952LL Nb Niobium N066-0301 coded 12pin plug M5037 P937C N305-0149 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6037 P937LL Nd Neodymium N066-1220 coded 12pin plug M5038 P935C N305-0150 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6038 P935LL Ni Nickel N066-1207 coded 12pin plug M5039 P936C N305-0152 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6039 P936LL Os Osmium n.a. uncoded 12pin plug M5040 P938C n.a. uncoded Lumina 4pin socket M6040 P938LL P Phosphorus N066-1300 coded 12pin plug M5041 P974C N305-0155 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6041 P974LL Pb Lead N066-1299 coded 12pin plug M5042 P928C N305-0157 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6042 P928LL Pd Palladium N066-1248 coded 12pin plug M5043 P939C N305-0158 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6043 P939LL Pr Praesodym N066-1258 coded 12pin plug M5044 P942C N305-0161 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6044 P942LL Pt Platinum N066-1288 coded 12pin plug M5045 P940C N305-0162 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6045 P940LL Rb Rubidium n.a. only uncoded available M5046 P945 Re Rhenium N066-1303 coded 12pin plug M5047 P943C N305-0165 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6047 P943LL Rh Rhodium N066-1267 coded 12pin plug M5048 P944C N305-0166 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6048 P944LL Ru Ruthenium N066-1302 coded 12pin plug M5049 P946C N305-0168 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6049 P946LL Sb Antimony N066-1284 coded 12pin plug M5050 P902C N305-0170 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6050 P902LL Sc Scandium N066-1280 coded 12pin plug M5051 P918C N305-0171 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6051 P918LL Se Selenium N066-1243 coded 12pin plug M5052 P949C N305-0172 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6052 P949LL Si Silicon N066-1204 coded 12pin plug M5053 P950C N305-0173 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6053 P950LL Sm Samarium N066-1230 coded 12pin plug M5054 P947C N305-0174 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6054 P947LL Sn Tin N066-1206 coded 12pin plug M5055 P960C N305-0175 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6055 P960LL Sr Strontium N066-1274 coded 12pin plug M5056 P953C N305-0176 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6056 P953LL Ta Tantalum N066-1265 coded 12pin plug M5057 P954C N305-0177 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6057 P954LL Tb Terbium N066-1289 coded 12pin plug M5058 P956C N305-0178 coded Lumina 4pin socket M5058 P956LL Te Tellurium N066-1273 coded 12pin plug M5059 P955C N305-0180 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6059 P955LL Ti Titanium N066-1278 coded 12pin plug M5060 P961C N305-0182 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6060 P961LL Tl Thallium N066-1202 coded 12pin plug M5062 P957C N305-0183 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6062 P957LL Tm Thulium N066-1257 coded 12pin plug M5063 P959C N305-0184 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6063 P959LL U Uranium n.a. only uncoded available M5064 P963 V Vanadium N066-1221 coded 12pin plug M5065 P964C N305-0186 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6065 P964LL W Tungsten N066-1209 coded 12pin plug M5066 P962C N305-0187 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6066 P962LL Y Yttrium N066-1212 coded 12pin plug M5067 P966C N305-0189 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6067 P966LL Yb Ytterbium N066-1286 coded 12pin plug M5068 P965C N305-0190 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6068 P965LL Zn Zinc N066-1295 coded 12pin plug M5069 P967C N305-0191 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6069 P967LL Zr Zirconium N066-1214 coded 12pin plug M5080 P968C N305-0192 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6080 P968LL Au-Ag N066-1259 coded 12pin plug M5174 P686C N305-0201 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6174 P686LL Ca-Mg N066-1285 coded 12pin plug 5070 P970C N305-0202 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6070 P970LL Ca-Zn N066-1283 coded 12pin plug M5156 P661C N305-0203 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6156 P661LL Cu-Zn n.a. only uncoded available M4072 P972 K-Na N066-1276 coded 12pin plug M5071 P971C N305-0204 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6071 P971LL Al-Ca-Mg N066-1228 coded 12pin plug M5106 P606C N305-0207 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6106 P606LL Ca-Mg-Zn N066-1208 coded 12pin plug - - N305-0208 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6024 P6-002LL Cu-Fe-Ni N066-1266 coded 12pin plug M5155 P660C N305-0209 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6155 P660LL Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn N066-1219 coded 12pin plug M5124 P624C N305-0212 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6124 P624LL Ag-Cr-Cu-Ni N066-1239 coded 12pin plug M5180 P693C N305-0210 coded Lumina 4pin socket M6180 P693LL