Gerneral information and description
With these test glasses, the user can check the main parameters of his spectrometer both quickly and safe. This can be daily routine or it can be done with the quality management program to avoid mistakes in the measuring parts. It can also be used to internal recertify after service and to train new ones in the use of UV-VIS spectral photometers, easy and fast. All test glasses have the size of a 10 mm cuvette and fit in most instruments. A wooden box is protecting the glasses from dust.
There is also a secondary certification against a NIST Standard Type 930D available. The measurements are done with a double beam high performance spectrometer with double monochromator.
Older Spectrometers with analogue electronics sometimes have errors in the linearity (instead of new digital ones). Generally you can test the instrument's VIS wavelength range. Apart from the extinction test, you can check more values as there are reproducability, relative standard divergences and dispersion.
The mainly specified values are showed at 6 wavelengths between 440 – 635 nm, according to NIST because this range is relatively flat and wavelength deferrals are no factor. If needed, we can also show the values at different wavelengths. The glasses can have an extinction between 0,07 and 1,6 nm +/- 2.5% tolerance. If a higher difference is detected, we recommend to do service for the instrument. We recommend re-certification every 2-4 years.
Liste der Neutralfilter und Gläsersets
GLASART | Spezifikation | Art. Nr. |
Neutralglas Typ 1 | Extinktion ca. 0,07 | 5821105 |
Neutralglas Typ 2 | Extinktion ca. 0,2 | 5821101 |
Neutralglas Typ 3 | Extinktion ca. 0,6 | 5821102 |
Neutralglas Typ 4 | Extinktion ca. 1,2 | 5821103 |
Neutralglas Typ 5 | Extinktion ca. 1,6 | 5821104 |
Holmiumglas Filter mit definierten Absorptionslinien | ca. 245 - 750 nm | 5821151 |
Didymiumglas Filter mit definierten Absorptionslinien | ca. 350 - 2500 nm | 5821171 |
Doppelglas Holmium und Didymium zum Gerätetraining geeignet | 5821081 | |
ETUI zur Aufnahme von Küvetten und Gläsern | HOLZ | 5821001 |
Sekundär – Zertifizierung für ein Einzelglas | 5821106 | |
Sekundär – Zertifizierung für einen vorhandenen Satz | 5821111 | |
Prüfgläsersätze im Holzetui | ||
GLÄSERSATZ 4 Stück: Neutralgläser Typ 2 bis 5 | ohne Zertifikat | 5821009 |
| mit Zertifikat | 5821010 |
GLÄSERSATZ 7 Stück: Neutralgläser Typ 1 bis 5, Ho- Glas, Dy- Glas | ohne Zertifikat | 5821060 |
| mit Zertifikat | 5821062 |
GLÄSERSATZ 8 Stück: Neutralgläser Typ 1 bis 5, Ho- Glas, Dy- Glas, Ho-Dy Doppelglas | ohne Zertifikat | 5821070 |
| mit Zertifikat | 5821072 |
From the first of November 2023 our company will be in our NEW LOCATION at Ludwigsburg Germany.
All shippments that will arrive later then 1. November only to our new adress:
Laboratory products
Ludwigsburger Strasse 77
71696 MOEGLINGEN , Germany
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